Tuesday, October 7, 2014

When you talk I Yawn

Having male friends is wonderful but ya mama it’s scary!!! So I won’t disclose your name, just incase some female readers are related. Ok so aside from becoming part of the gang, that is confirmed once you are invited to boys’ night out, you become an excellent listener with a mental pages filling and flipping. One conversation I kept questioning eno kif “how” ley “why” etc is as follows. So I get it, you travel a lot for work, but why can’t you commit to one girl, when all I hear you say, “I just need one girl to add stability” so the story is that, each city has its girl, love story and timeline. And dat don’t impress me much, because at one point actually two points and I won’t lie I was affiliated to a city. Claiming love and missing, were a remedy to the distance but in the end actions do in fact speak louder than any other thing. Come on Micha! How would I date her, she lives so far? Of course you can I said, I mean if she can do it, what makes you any different. Having the ability to shorten distance, puts all excuses to mute. Unless you are a person that needs constant physicality at all times, which really doesn’t exist anymore because we are all virtual prostitutes. Anyways I don’t even know anymore to be honest, all I see around me is complicated scenarios and makes me grateful to be happily single with the intentions of remaining till a fine Lebanese or French or just fine man sweeps me away. And our conversation was cut short because XXX from LA called and she was in town ……



Super Ego


Monday, September 29, 2014

91 Issues, and on to the next one.

A dear friend of mine painfully said goodbye to her love yesterday, prior to his departure, I saw her holding back the tears, but her emotions forced them out shamelessly. Cry sister! I silently said.
God it is the worst saying good bye to pieces of your heart, especially when a good bye is carried to a different continent and will live on for months till the next hello.
I advised her to cheer up and just fake an excitement to this new anticipation. I mean if I can do it, she can. Since the moment I turned 16 that feeling came to life. I miss them, and I count the days to see them. They leave this world, and I anticipate dreams to see them. They break your heart, but hope allows you to anticipate a moment of reconciliation. See we always anticipate, and I am starting to think it’s an excellent defense mechanism. Foolish but helpful
I just started an internship at a magazine I am pretty fond off, but at 26 I would have hoped all that I have worked for and accomplished would lead me to a job, I feel 18. But in the end it’s a choice and I AM ANTICIPATING TAKING OVER ;)
One more thing, don’t you ever feel like you are alone, we all feel! Just keep that in mind. 

P.S Magazine Issues

I call this education

I call this dedication

Stop at Nothing

Saturday, September 13, 2014

Should I wear a collant?

It’s been a while since I felt the need to write. It is usually when feeling sad especially hurt when I feel the urge, now those feelings accompany me at times but they don’t have a drastic presence. I think when you know what you want, or you learned how to read between the lines you stop asking “Why?” I met a beautiful lady from my Masters’ program that shared major similarities weather in personality or interests. Last night we stepped aside from the nightlife and discussed what she has been going through. I know most of my blogs are about relationships and men and women and akh and ekh but come on that’s usually the hot topic after a couple of vodka tonics. Of course we shared back and forth moments in past relationships and our similarities grew stronger. Of course we always ended our contribution in the conversation “Oh it’s his loss” LoL I think that phrase has become a universal ease. But really though! Whose loss is it really? As we proceeded she said they are “Hypocrites” I agreed with excitement but then brought it down with “We should have known better!” You see we can’t control how they treat us or act towards us, but we can definitely control our reaction, which is far more crucial in the equation, it really controls the (equal) part. This week I was invited to attend an event that I would have participated in an encounter with a person that kept me asking (Why?) but I decided to leave the answers unanswered because he had none and I realized that feelings are not permanent just sustainable depending on the who what where and why. Now let’s Guggenheim

Shu Beke Hayete?
Nothing! Rasse 3am youja3ni


Sunday, August 31, 2014

Small People, Big Steps

Marc Chagal-Mr. Happy

I am sitting across my roommate Simon, Simon meet my world J He is so cute and more so French, if you know me you know how much I love French people, they are mysterious and well informed. Anyways enough about the French! My dearest friend and I were discussing how men tend to be. I told her listen, we are just nice and we don’t like hurting feelings well compared to some people in our lives. Then I told her try this where you just ignore and guess what, that man texted and texted. I can’t express the disappointment we both shared when that occurred, I laughed and said, “Join the club”. It might be in a man’s nature to like the chase, but at a certain age a man needs to know what he wants. While some people argue, it’s just to easy for the man sometimes, I would agree but then would disagree that at times honesty is mistaken for easy. About to play some chess with Simon so I just have one advise to me and you, you are light as feather and if anyone ever makes you feel heavy just walk away. God bless pretzels 

Wednesday, August 6, 2014

Tears for fears

You can't avoid them these days. Is it me or does struggling fall in everywhere? In every sense you witness a struggle! Or maybe it's simply growing up? 

Anyways the level of exhaustion is pulling back to bed,  I am thinking of taking it to the gym, fekra helwe no?


Sunday, August 3, 2014

You turned me on, then you turned me off


Phil Collins definitely has major female cells in that beautiful body of his. When we sing together, we sing as one! Gender is dismissed. Anyways Hi how are you? I hope you had a great weekend. Mine was pretty everything, from Man to Broks it was all smiles. Genesis is on right now “Tonight,Tonight”  so I am on the electric guitar on the counter while I am really just sitting writing this. Not everything you feel is attainable at the moment. So proceeding, I would like to talk about why men lie? LOL ok sorry but it makes me laugh, because is it really lying when you personally know what is happening? A gorgeous friend of mine explained to me that when you feel it, it is right! Battling for honesty is plain defeat. To be frank once that connection is broken the doubt will forever manifest within. Till now and even though they have grown ahead, she still finds that sickening feeling of what if? I won’t get into details, if I was writing this a month ago, I would probably have to say that when a Man wants he will same for women, but now it’s about the male. So anyways when I moved to NY I really wanted to see a certain someone but all I got was but, what if, huh heee excuses that frankly took one person to be in the same spot to address that there is someone else. Back then I wished I was her, now amen to the lord that was crucified for all I am not her. While at times we stick with it, let me just tell you one thing boys we do lose respect towards you. You just become a temporary habit and we can all agree habits change. Lies hide things, maybe things that are better kept hidden, but unless you are honest you can’t sit with us.

Wednesday, July 9, 2014

Everyday I am in my way

I have this habit that has lately been getting on my nerves and when it does I tend to cuss in Arabic but not out loud. So when something isn’t working out or not stimulating me anymore or whatever the case is I right away write “The End” not really taking into consideration that maybe I am the boring one or I am the cause for not allowing it to work. I do know what I want, but sometimes it takes a couple of chapters to realize what’s being offered. I am not the type that regrets my actions but I do question them a lot. I recently tried to change a scenario, I myself drew but I failed. I am hurt and disappointed, but what’s weird is that deep down I know that it wasn’t my scene. When you grow feelings, hopes and a look into the future, you tend to become blinded. My situation was brief, but I am talking in general. It took two strangers I met and a spontaneous night out to allow me to realize what was really going on. When I was asked about my last relationship, I questioned myself was it a relationship? My last one was a bunch of messages, videos, images and calls. But I did have feelings and cared tremendously, I still do. But is that really a relationship? I mean you can have that with several people no? One in a different country and who would know? Btw word of mouth is a beast #justsaying. In this modern world people communicate more but the communication is less. Now it’s about how many exclamation points or hearts you invest in a message. I love you or I love YOU!!!!! Do the math, I am sure to most the second one appeals more. Ok let’s do another one, Hey, How are you? Or hey you!!!! How are you?:)  anyways I miss laure’s cooking and I will leave you with this : remember memories but know that what’s important is what went in and what came out. 

Some make Bad Habits look pretty

Take me to Lebanon

Saturday, July 5, 2014

Be gentile with your Genitals

Lately I have been just observing, it's a type of silence that requires internal sound. Anyways I am finally in New York it feels like home except the weird incidents at the metro #nocomment I'll leave it to your imagination just think dirty. I have been meeting the warmest people that allow that tear that I am trying to hold back, to dry up. I do pass through emotional moments where I just want to hug Laure but being emotional is me so wherever whenever I will salut moments like thee and keep walking . I have noticed a neurotic calmness  in New Yorkers btw I am listening to a song and rapper keeps insisting on the question 'you don't love me no moe?!' So I am not the only one :) lol ok so back to the New Yorkers that are sweet and beautiful they have one thing and one thing only to tell me 'Michelle you will hate life at times but you will not want to be anywhere else' and I get it. Ps the neighbor on the 4th is sooooo cute looking forward to elevator rides #feeling13 and Lahza to all in Lebanon this summer be safe and you are on my mind deyman .


Friday, June 20, 2014

Life is unfair, death is unfair

The first funeral I ever witnessed was when I was 10. I was in the school bus heading home in Zahle, Lebanon. The bus suddenly stopped, I looked up front and I saw a crowd, people in black and an open casket painfully carried. The image of the man lying inside and the blond woman screaming, I will never forget. I was always intrigued by funerals, not emotionally but aesthetically. The black semi vintage suits that women kept ready in the closets over the years in case a funeral came up, the protocol, the hairdos, and the classical style that everyone followed. It was an organic, classy and serious setting. I was young back then so I didn’t quite understand death, till pieces of my heart started dying. Deaths has its right on all of us, we are truly born to die. But, there is unfairness to death. Whenever death takes place, it takes me back to the moments when death was right in front of me, allowing me the last farewell. And then I wonder! Is it fair for us to live to the fullest caring not and worrying never about anything that prevents happiness? I mean should I have just hopped on a plane yesterday and enjoyed a beautiful summer in Lebanon. Should I not care about money and live the moment, “Yalla Micha go enjoy life, money will come. But what about rent, food, blah blah NY is expensive I mean who will pay for that. Allah bidaber!!” Myself questioned myself. See choices in life are tricky, when I hear of a young soul departing I just feel the urge to pursue immediate happiness. But when the compass points towards my future, my ambitions speak out loud. I daily wonder what it would have been if I did, in every aspect, but I know that what is going on, is meant to be.  

Monday, June 9, 2014

if they don't get in your pants, they get in your face

Phone therapy sessions are my therapy sessions. It’s more of a mutual knowledge input and realization process. Today we discussed that empty/sad feeling we feel when we wake up. Is it normal to wake up really sad? I think it is, because normally I feel that way. Like I always say, feeling sad is not a problem, it’s a feeling! But, when it turns into a lifestyle/habit it turns into a problem. Not knowing what provokes sadness, could possibly be the saddest thing. I know where that’s sadness is coming from and she is definitely on top of hers. Typically, the solution would be easy. But, in this case it is an uncontrolled matter. Emotional mutuality /anticipation, a feeling that basically sweeps you of your feet, is what we want. I felt that feeling not so long ago; it’s a mixture of excitement, curiosity and a happy wake up feeling. It helped me in so many ways, and I can’t wait to feel it again. And that’s how the session ended, when something or someone doesn’t exist; let’s anticipate the day they will. On a more personal note, I realized that you can’t apologize for being loyal to what you feel. For if it was really real, there would have been no need for an apology. It’s not easy to find love, but it’s easy to fall in love and now balashet etfalsaf bye!
no none argues with Einstein!!!

Tuesday, June 3, 2014


“Boume” : a Lebanese term for describing an annoying sad woman aka “buzz killer”. At this very moment I am a boume. June 19 I was supposed to head to Barca to meet my sweetest Fay, then on the 24th Lebanon was supposed to meet me at the airport. You know ever since I moved back, I anticipated my return. I was more excited to go back this time, because visiting always had a magical feel to it, I can’t really explain it, but it makes everything much more worthy. Every day, every hour every person counts. I am looking at my mother right now, she is writing a new story she makes my heart melt, kif beddie erja3 eterkek ya albe!!!! Last week Laure and Bob gave me their blessings for New York, my soul smiled. Starting from zero is probably the hardest thing at this moment, but it’s a reminder that oneself should never stop. Life is about sacrifices I have learned , but sacrifices are not losses I keep reminding myself. I think I took emotional to the next level at this moment especially because  Racha Rizk - Succar Ya Banat (Caramel Soundtrack) is on rewind. Yesterday was beautiful I got to spend it with a person I adore, but yesterday I was left with my emotions and thoughts because the situation provoked more questions than answers and I was asking. I am missing, and will miss but who knows.

another meaning to Boume

Tuesday, May 27, 2014

You shouldn't have slept with him...the friend judged, but I love him....she cried

My whole life was based on honesty; even life itself was tremendously honest with me. I tasted the beauty and the sourness of it at an early age. Life never promised me a running in a flower field reality, I won’t lie sometimes it bothers me. I have been planning the new move since 2013 and finally, I find myself ready. I can feel my legs getting weak, but thank God for my soul to hold me up. I have one thing to share with you at this moment, strength and one thing to assure you, you own it. Now back to honesty! Lately I have been finding myself in a situation where the echo of “Play the game” keeps finding its way back to the room. Echoes are supposed to vanish, but this one is getting louder. “Game!” What game? I won’t lie there was an episode where I found myself advising a dear friend, “Just feed him his medicine. And I won’t lie it worked. As I observe the love scene whether in reality, movies, books etc. I can’t help but place myself in situations where I know for a fact I would fail. Yup Fail because I don’t know and more frankly I don’t care about the game. I find it pretty sad that men expect women to play a certain role to be the one, or more so women have to abide by certain rules to win the “Game”. Honey that game has no end, you might cross the finish line as a winner but that race will beat your pace. See the race is never over, as soon as the gun goes off, we have to keep running till we run out. It’s pretty exhausting to sit and wonder and over analyze, I have done it to the point of a nonchalant reaction waking me up. School yourself on how to win You over, it’s the best companion life can offer.

                                                       What a waste of time to admire eh?
Merci DV


Wednesday, May 14, 2014

I advise you to not advise you

Giving advice is the easiest form of control, we can all do it but who can personally execute it? If you recall the last conversation you had, I am pretty sure you will find yourself giving advice. I am pretty grateful for being a focal friend; friends usually seek my advice not for guidance but for reassurance or venting. As I give advice, I think silently “How come I can never follow through?” so I usually advice with an advice of, “Listen I am the last person you should listen to, I mean come on!” the friends know what I am talking about “I have a baby smile on right now” you should see how passionate and articulate I get when I am giving advice, throwing in in examples, solid tones, long pauses, exclamation points that have a loud voice making it clear that I have an surprised face at that moment, basically a movie scene so do the math. Then the time comes when Michelle is giving Michelle advice, it is pretty much the same scenario but following through lasts about a minute, I blame Michelle’s Heart. But dear heart today and for the rest of my story I will stand by your side. Thank you for falling in love when you felt it and thank you for breaking and healing and thank you for finding honesty in every man and thank you for being mine. Last night he told me, “Listen Michelle, honesty is found in everyone it’s up to you to bring it to life.” #amen




Monday, May 5, 2014

Perfect for perfection

When I receive messages “I love your patriotism, I used to be like that.” I feel the urge to respond, “Bravo ya schmuck!” but I refrain. Some people usually express their thoughts on my thoughts through unfiltered messages such us, “Michelle you are a beautiful girl why do you always talk politics, can you stop!” Again I feel the urge to respond, “Bravo ya schmuck!” but I refrain. Can someone explain to me this unnecessary growing trend? #oyvey I am not a political person because I am diplomatic I will tell you that!! ;) But I educate myself on that matter, in case I find myself trying to defend my point of view. I grew up in a household that was religious enough to allow me to be open and respectful to all religions. I grew up in a household that knew no politics and that allowed me to explore and learn. I grew up in a world that spoke, speaks and will continue to speak biased politics and religion. Left and right I see broken hearts, breaking hearts due to preconceived, spoiled and never satisfied notions. I won’t go into details because “ma ele khele2”. Today, at 26 I find myself fighting with every bits of what life has grown in me to make someone out of me. I am sure we all are, so for the distractions we say later, for the challenges we say yalla, and for now we keep going. And if you love something, Don’t just love it.

He loved her, she didn't. She loved him, he didn't. When they both loved it was too late.

Friday, April 18, 2014

Minor Vice

I am tired, I am exhausted but I am. At this very moment (10:10 am) I am craving an intimate conversation with a certain someone. A while back I wrote “random, deep and debatable conversations” under hobbies on my resume, I tend to prioritize relationships based on that. It is very important to have mental orgasms; I think they last longer than the sexual ones and you will be praised for the rapid growth of partners “win/win situation”. I decided to fall under the wings of world renowned writers and get lost in their stories, first impression “mon dieu!!!! My vocabulary is terribly poor!!” but anyways I love finding myself in each character, even as a vermin in the metamorphosis by Franz Kafka. I am going on a mini vacation next week with a dear friend; I am excited to do things I haven’t anticipated because I wasn’t aware of. It’s very important to look beyond the borders of our interests and enticing to step out #livebeyond.

I need to live up to my words!!! Maybe one day someone will make me.
EWWW Fish #currentreaction

Monday, April 14, 2014

Pain is gain

There is a certain point in life, where one should make way for one. Close your eyes and imagine yourself standing in a crowded area, an area where distraction is easy and choices are vast. And then I want you to imagine elongating your arms and pushing everyone aside and allowing him or here to walk through. For some it’s an imagination of a shadow and for some it’s that face and body that as soon as they reach a touchable distance a tight grasp will sing "Hallelujah". I am playing “Forgiven” Alanis Morissette and my thoughts are distracted all I have to say is Life is a drug: addictive, moody, pricey, wild and short lived. If you know what you want, don’t wait. If you love what you have, don’t debate and if you started searching, Good Luck J   

"We all had our reasons to be there
We all had a thing or two to learn
We all needed something to cling to
So we did"
Prostitutes are there for a reason
Looking forward to the future

Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Busy Feelings

It is said that “YOU LIVE YOU LEARN” well not in all cases or most cases. As life adds and subtracts days out of our lives, we seem to always live in accordance to feelings. As we live, do our feelings learn? Learn to hold back? Learn to cope? Learn to disregard or acknowledge? Well we might own those feelings, but some of it owns us.
This past weekend the feeling of loss owned many, this feeling has no mercy on anyone and it takes over leaving all feelings on the edge waiting for something or someone to bring them back to life.
I always tell myself that I have drank out of the sour cup of life, but I always remind myself that that cup is always full and I will find myself drinking from it again. I am listening to Bebe “Tu Silencio” one of my favorite songs btw I don’t understand a single word but if you hear me singing it you would assume that Spanish is my native language (wishing). But, this song is like life to me, no matter how in control I think I am or portray it, the truth is I only own the Title “Michelle Kandalaft” and tune, the rest life will write for me, and whether I like the lyrics or not I have to sing along.  WE ALL HAVE TO.

when I look at the world I see broken hearts, but I see hearts and it relieves me
to your hearts and mine I love you

Friday, April 4, 2014


And all of the sudden, nothing makes sense.

I am looking forward to the Month of May, not sure why but that month always feels warm and hopeful. Maybe because signs of summer start emerging.

I am a woman of words, but some days I crave silence like today. Too bad!! Meeting in 15 minutes.

Many things/events to look forward too, but there is one thing that GOD DAM GOD DAM I am beyond hesitant.

Nothing at work impresses my taste buds, even the coffee is everything that Mental?

Is anyone really reading this?

Take me away! Not God, you!





Monday, March 24, 2014

Let me hear you

I am still holding on to some hope, you know if you asked me a month ago about luck, I would tell you that you are either born with it or you will starve forever it. But now, I can tell you that luck is attitude. I daily wake up and try to think of the most beautiful thing in my life. To me it is my emotions, the way they make me feel is just a soul elevator.  Whenever people ask me why am I single, I would sarcastically respond I am cursed! I always found myself unlucky in that department, even in many aspects in my life; it’s always that extra 5 miles I have to sprint to get there. But you know what, I always do get there. I will still use the term, “Oh you are so lucky”, but now I am aware that the lucky person was sprinting before. We all have our stories that will never be published, so when we sit and drain ourselves with other people’s success and I am sure we all do, and wonder when our turn will arrive, well it won’t arrive you have to go and find it and fight for it. There is definitely something much bigger than all of us; to me it’s my God, whom I have prayed for strength to keep running. If you have no one to count on, to hear you out, to push you forward, to wish you the best of luck, look in the mirror and search for that one thing that will elevate your spirit. I am positive it is there somewhere, waiting for acknowledgment from you and only you.  Always remember “Enta el Batal” .

Count on yourself to be lucky and not on luck to be lucky.
I see the light,

Monday, March 17, 2014

Undressing My Feelings

World oh world how petite you are! As I conversed with my mother last week about the natural causes of some unnecessary behaviors that inflicted a familiar feeling among loved ones, I wondered “Who is in control in the end?” I received a message on Saturday “Missing you ….x” I won’t lie, that message was my air at one point. I will proceed with full-fledged honesty, I felt nothing. Yes I am over that man I rejoiced. It’s a great feeling to find peace with a feeling that was suffocating me for so long. The worst feeling I have learned is when you love to love, but when they love to lie. But now I appreciate their lying because it showed me how weak I can be and what I should do to strengthen my weakness. This week was a breeze of fresh air that placed me on cloud 9. As we verbally exchanged ourselves, that stranger became a familiar figure that I grew eager to know more about. In life you meet people that release your interests, allowing them to be free and confident and I deeply thank him for that.

No matter how bitter it gets, you once tasted the sweetness of it and to know the difference you have to keep going.
You can only control who you are and what you are comes in different forms to the world. we fathom differently.

Thursday, February 13, 2014

Who the F#$% is Alyce?

You know when someone truly cares, when you call and start talking mandarin and they just understand it all. After an hour of talking my heart out loud, I thought how did Alyce understand all this? I mean I couldn’t even keep up with myself. From one story to the other, from one person to the other from Arabic to English wo English to Arabic Alyce managed to keep up. The feeling following my dramatic call was just wow. I couldn’t stop smiling and the gratitude just took over. Clearly I wasn’t the only one feeling that way, more so having someone articulately explain my situation was a relief. But the sincerest thing she said to me was, “Never Change”. I am not sure who is reading this, but these two words had a magnitude of a 9.5 Richter earthquake on me. And suddenly it stopped and I realized that if the society begs to differ on the importance of sincerity, respect and love then that ain’t my problem. Life teaches lessons but life shouldn’t discourage you from opening up. The lessons we learn should guide us, help us avoid certain situations and if we fail, it’s ok! Some people have the heart of gold, some have the heart of a baby and some just don’t have a heart. So to the people who don’t have one, just make sure they don’t take yours. If they do, know that till forever they will own a part of you and it’s up to you to surrender to that or take it back. I decided to take mine back, because in my heart you will find the greatest people God blessed me with and I want them with me till the end.

Remember live to love and love to live and love love.
Team #Edie

Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Hola ñeque

And here we are 2014, nothing really has changed. Or has it? As we finalize January with a warm weather that brightness my soul, I keep wondering what will this New Year bring? It is marvelous how moods, thoughts, feelings and perceptions change. Yesterday I was thinking to myself, trying to break down certain events hoping I would reach the truth. My brain was exhausted, I went over and over trying to connect the dots, but I failed. The mystery of this situation that I was put in, involves several elements that are still strangers to me. As I wrapped it up, I felt angry and betrayed. Then I felt strong, and fell asleep. It has been a while since I felt that strength that everyone around me acknowledges. I tend to be quite emotional and friendly with my feelings, if sadness approaches I hold its hand and we walk together, if happiness smiles at me, I smile back. But I haven’t been giving my strength any justice. But last night, I couldn’t deny it and I allowed it to take over. Isn’t it funny that when you feel sadness, you tend to imagine a bright and sunny world and a cloud on you depriving you from warmth. Well sadiqi, you are not alone, I am not alone, we are not alone. After 6 years, I finally signed up for Spanish classes and my oh my, that language is confusing. But challenging my self has definitely been a mood booster for me. Challenges should be a daily encounter, I believe it allows you to realize how much you can do and more so how important it is to never give up. Having much time on my hands, I tend to spend a lot of time on Instagram, I sometimes find myself on profiles that blow my mind. The creativity in some people is super le maximo magnífico. I hope creativity is the next religion that will defuse the political bomb that is about to swipe all innocence. The art of living has been corrupted with extreme religious beliefs and mad political starvation, a reality that is hard to fathom but impossible to oversee. My friend asked me today, “Are you in love?” I kept the truth to myself, to be honest not many appreciate the truth and love is personal I have learned. But I will share this; I am in love with this world. Regardless of the madness that is spreading, I look forward to visiting every corner, to meeting new people, to finding love in every step I take. And remember some people don’t deserve your love, but they deserve a chance.
don't just look at love, stare it in the eye and appreciate it and more so LOVE it