Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Busy Feelings

It is said that “YOU LIVE YOU LEARN” well not in all cases or most cases. As life adds and subtracts days out of our lives, we seem to always live in accordance to feelings. As we live, do our feelings learn? Learn to hold back? Learn to cope? Learn to disregard or acknowledge? Well we might own those feelings, but some of it owns us.
This past weekend the feeling of loss owned many, this feeling has no mercy on anyone and it takes over leaving all feelings on the edge waiting for something or someone to bring them back to life.
I always tell myself that I have drank out of the sour cup of life, but I always remind myself that that cup is always full and I will find myself drinking from it again. I am listening to Bebe “Tu Silencio” one of my favorite songs btw I don’t understand a single word but if you hear me singing it you would assume that Spanish is my native language (wishing). But, this song is like life to me, no matter how in control I think I am or portray it, the truth is I only own the Title “Michelle Kandalaft” and tune, the rest life will write for me, and whether I like the lyrics or not I have to sing along.  WE ALL HAVE TO.

when I look at the world I see broken hearts, but I see hearts and it relieves me
to your hearts and mine I love you

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