Monday, March 24, 2014

Let me hear you

I am still holding on to some hope, you know if you asked me a month ago about luck, I would tell you that you are either born with it or you will starve forever it. But now, I can tell you that luck is attitude. I daily wake up and try to think of the most beautiful thing in my life. To me it is my emotions, the way they make me feel is just a soul elevator.  Whenever people ask me why am I single, I would sarcastically respond I am cursed! I always found myself unlucky in that department, even in many aspects in my life; it’s always that extra 5 miles I have to sprint to get there. But you know what, I always do get there. I will still use the term, “Oh you are so lucky”, but now I am aware that the lucky person was sprinting before. We all have our stories that will never be published, so when we sit and drain ourselves with other people’s success and I am sure we all do, and wonder when our turn will arrive, well it won’t arrive you have to go and find it and fight for it. There is definitely something much bigger than all of us; to me it’s my God, whom I have prayed for strength to keep running. If you have no one to count on, to hear you out, to push you forward, to wish you the best of luck, look in the mirror and search for that one thing that will elevate your spirit. I am positive it is there somewhere, waiting for acknowledgment from you and only you.  Always remember “Enta el Batal” .

Count on yourself to be lucky and not on luck to be lucky.
I see the light,

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