Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Hola ñeque

And here we are 2014, nothing really has changed. Or has it? As we finalize January with a warm weather that brightness my soul, I keep wondering what will this New Year bring? It is marvelous how moods, thoughts, feelings and perceptions change. Yesterday I was thinking to myself, trying to break down certain events hoping I would reach the truth. My brain was exhausted, I went over and over trying to connect the dots, but I failed. The mystery of this situation that I was put in, involves several elements that are still strangers to me. As I wrapped it up, I felt angry and betrayed. Then I felt strong, and fell asleep. It has been a while since I felt that strength that everyone around me acknowledges. I tend to be quite emotional and friendly with my feelings, if sadness approaches I hold its hand and we walk together, if happiness smiles at me, I smile back. But I haven’t been giving my strength any justice. But last night, I couldn’t deny it and I allowed it to take over. Isn’t it funny that when you feel sadness, you tend to imagine a bright and sunny world and a cloud on you depriving you from warmth. Well sadiqi, you are not alone, I am not alone, we are not alone. After 6 years, I finally signed up for Spanish classes and my oh my, that language is confusing. But challenging my self has definitely been a mood booster for me. Challenges should be a daily encounter, I believe it allows you to realize how much you can do and more so how important it is to never give up. Having much time on my hands, I tend to spend a lot of time on Instagram, I sometimes find myself on profiles that blow my mind. The creativity in some people is super le maximo magnífico. I hope creativity is the next religion that will defuse the political bomb that is about to swipe all innocence. The art of living has been corrupted with extreme religious beliefs and mad political starvation, a reality that is hard to fathom but impossible to oversee. My friend asked me today, “Are you in love?” I kept the truth to myself, to be honest not many appreciate the truth and love is personal I have learned. But I will share this; I am in love with this world. Regardless of the madness that is spreading, I look forward to visiting every corner, to meeting new people, to finding love in every step I take. And remember some people don’t deserve your love, but they deserve a chance.
don't just look at love, stare it in the eye and appreciate it and more so LOVE it

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