Sunday, August 31, 2014

Small People, Big Steps

Marc Chagal-Mr. Happy

I am sitting across my roommate Simon, Simon meet my world J He is so cute and more so French, if you know me you know how much I love French people, they are mysterious and well informed. Anyways enough about the French! My dearest friend and I were discussing how men tend to be. I told her listen, we are just nice and we don’t like hurting feelings well compared to some people in our lives. Then I told her try this where you just ignore and guess what, that man texted and texted. I can’t express the disappointment we both shared when that occurred, I laughed and said, “Join the club”. It might be in a man’s nature to like the chase, but at a certain age a man needs to know what he wants. While some people argue, it’s just to easy for the man sometimes, I would agree but then would disagree that at times honesty is mistaken for easy. About to play some chess with Simon so I just have one advise to me and you, you are light as feather and if anyone ever makes you feel heavy just walk away. God bless pretzels 

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