Tuesday, June 3, 2014


“Boume” : a Lebanese term for describing an annoying sad woman aka “buzz killer”. At this very moment I am a boume. June 19 I was supposed to head to Barca to meet my sweetest Fay, then on the 24th Lebanon was supposed to meet me at the airport. You know ever since I moved back, I anticipated my return. I was more excited to go back this time, because visiting always had a magical feel to it, I can’t really explain it, but it makes everything much more worthy. Every day, every hour every person counts. I am looking at my mother right now, she is writing a new story she makes my heart melt, kif beddie erja3 eterkek ya albe!!!! Last week Laure and Bob gave me their blessings for New York, my soul smiled. Starting from zero is probably the hardest thing at this moment, but it’s a reminder that oneself should never stop. Life is about sacrifices I have learned , but sacrifices are not losses I keep reminding myself. I think I took emotional to the next level at this moment especially because  Racha Rizk - Succar Ya Banat (Caramel Soundtrack) is on rewind. Yesterday was beautiful I got to spend it with a person I adore, but yesterday I was left with my emotions and thoughts because the situation provoked more questions than answers and I was asking. I am missing, and will miss but who knows.

another meaning to Boume

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