Monday, May 5, 2014

Perfect for perfection

When I receive messages “I love your patriotism, I used to be like that.” I feel the urge to respond, “Bravo ya schmuck!” but I refrain. Some people usually express their thoughts on my thoughts through unfiltered messages such us, “Michelle you are a beautiful girl why do you always talk politics, can you stop!” Again I feel the urge to respond, “Bravo ya schmuck!” but I refrain. Can someone explain to me this unnecessary growing trend? #oyvey I am not a political person because I am diplomatic I will tell you that!! ;) But I educate myself on that matter, in case I find myself trying to defend my point of view. I grew up in a household that was religious enough to allow me to be open and respectful to all religions. I grew up in a household that knew no politics and that allowed me to explore and learn. I grew up in a world that spoke, speaks and will continue to speak biased politics and religion. Left and right I see broken hearts, breaking hearts due to preconceived, spoiled and never satisfied notions. I won’t go into details because “ma ele khele2”. Today, at 26 I find myself fighting with every bits of what life has grown in me to make someone out of me. I am sure we all are, so for the distractions we say later, for the challenges we say yalla, and for now we keep going. And if you love something, Don’t just love it.

He loved her, she didn't. She loved him, he didn't. When they both loved it was too late.

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