Tuesday, May 27, 2014

You shouldn't have slept with him...the friend judged, but I love him....she cried

My whole life was based on honesty; even life itself was tremendously honest with me. I tasted the beauty and the sourness of it at an early age. Life never promised me a running in a flower field reality, I won’t lie sometimes it bothers me. I have been planning the new move since 2013 and finally, I find myself ready. I can feel my legs getting weak, but thank God for my soul to hold me up. I have one thing to share with you at this moment, strength and one thing to assure you, you own it. Now back to honesty! Lately I have been finding myself in a situation where the echo of “Play the game” keeps finding its way back to the room. Echoes are supposed to vanish, but this one is getting louder. “Game!” What game? I won’t lie there was an episode where I found myself advising a dear friend, “Just feed him his medicine. And I won’t lie it worked. As I observe the love scene whether in reality, movies, books etc. I can’t help but place myself in situations where I know for a fact I would fail. Yup Fail because I don’t know and more frankly I don’t care about the game. I find it pretty sad that men expect women to play a certain role to be the one, or more so women have to abide by certain rules to win the “Game”. Honey that game has no end, you might cross the finish line as a winner but that race will beat your pace. See the race is never over, as soon as the gun goes off, we have to keep running till we run out. It’s pretty exhausting to sit and wonder and over analyze, I have done it to the point of a nonchalant reaction waking me up. School yourself on how to win You over, it’s the best companion life can offer.

                                                       What a waste of time to admire eh?
Merci DV


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