Wednesday, May 14, 2014

I advise you to not advise you

Giving advice is the easiest form of control, we can all do it but who can personally execute it? If you recall the last conversation you had, I am pretty sure you will find yourself giving advice. I am pretty grateful for being a focal friend; friends usually seek my advice not for guidance but for reassurance or venting. As I give advice, I think silently “How come I can never follow through?” so I usually advice with an advice of, “Listen I am the last person you should listen to, I mean come on!” the friends know what I am talking about “I have a baby smile on right now” you should see how passionate and articulate I get when I am giving advice, throwing in in examples, solid tones, long pauses, exclamation points that have a loud voice making it clear that I have an surprised face at that moment, basically a movie scene so do the math. Then the time comes when Michelle is giving Michelle advice, it is pretty much the same scenario but following through lasts about a minute, I blame Michelle’s Heart. But dear heart today and for the rest of my story I will stand by your side. Thank you for falling in love when you felt it and thank you for breaking and healing and thank you for finding honesty in every man and thank you for being mine. Last night he told me, “Listen Michelle, honesty is found in everyone it’s up to you to bring it to life.” #amen




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