Tuesday, November 15, 2011

“Said woman take it slow, things will be just fine, you and I'll just use a little patience, said sugar take the time, because the lights are shining bright.” He once said. My daily struggles creep on me every morning, I try to wonder why I suffer from this nonsense. It took a bbm conversation with RJ to realize my lack of respect to time is what’s causing this mess.  I am traveling 85 miles an hour in a 45 miles an hour zone. What is causing this rush? There are many speeding cars around me, but maybe their time is the impatient one. Nothing lasts forever and knowing that maybe makes me want to go through the ABC’s of life as fast as I can. As I sit among my friends who have walked down that aisle to spend the rest of their lives with that one who stole the key to their heart. I can’t help but wonder, will I find that one? if you really know me you would know how sincerely I am obsessed with weddings, my phone is full of pictures that I share with every bride to (maybe I should become a wedding planner), and then comes the question when’s the wedding, I joke “when the 3ariss arrives”. Is it the beauty of the dress, the attention, the flowers etc that makes weddings so appealing to me? I witnessed a lot of I DO’S and I am the one that stands with the biggest smile absorbing the whole event (yea maybe I should be a wedding planner).It was me and four beauties that took over the world, one is happily married now and still ruling, one is a bride in heaven and the other two are going to be the most beautiful brides I cannot wait to see. It was yesterday that we sat in my room discussing what seemed to be the deepest and most crucial in life. Time never stops, we might hit pause to sit and reminisce, but time is still flowing. It was yesterday I was sixteen, hugging you goodbye and now we are dealing with forever goodbyes and grownup talk.  Dear time I will learn to respect you, but slow down chewy ;) I have set many goals for 2012, if I don’t accomplish or reach, there will always be 2013.
The light  in the Sweet November Rain


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