Sunday, November 13, 2011

One eyed gypsy

Some nights in the present take you back to past moments that leave you smiling and missing. Driving back with my beautiful Argentina last night, it wasn’t only miles we were crossing we went down the insane wild memory lane of fun, dancing, love and Mexico. By years it was only three, but to us it seemed ages ago. We laughed, we offered silent moments and we remembered, what makes certain phases unforgettable? I am sure you all have certain phases that you have or will encounter that will forever be triggered no matter how much time has passed. I find myself grateful to have kept what was real from those days, sincere, beautiful and forever friends. I find myself living different lives at once, back home some acts are put on because it’s a circus show, here I can be any character at any point. I have found true people back home where I can sit and be me, Cheers to you fellow potential workout buddies (RJ) who take in every complaint I have and turn into a needed challenge. To the Barbie girls who turn my frown upside down (Lilo est Nano) (tpu2 tpu2), to high school buss peers(NB) who make the sky the limit and in the end the free spirits I admire terribly. Today is a struggle, tomorrow will probably be the same, but who isn’t struggling, I find through struggle the true unravels. I will try my hardest to stop asking what if, why and when. I deeply believe in the power of knowing what you want and getting it, been there done that.
He called me a dancing queen, I agreed (rip)


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