Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Bless me father for I have sinned

Last year I told myself,  “Micha! This is your year”, little did I know back then. It was indeed a tough year, a year I will forever look back at and wish I had a magic wand to change the sequence of some series of unfortunate events but C’est la vie. So this year I told myself nothing, I hear people telling me you shall prosper and gain especially the first couple of months. I just simply laugh! Last year I decided to learn French well Je ne parle pas le français!!!!! I have to thank my dear friend Mar and Loml for throwing a couple of French words out there, it really does help I know how to say “it is really hot” “it is really cold” and “you are mean” which is really all I need.  As I opened the door for this year, I kept in mind to not forget the closed ones I encountered last year and the ones that got slammed in my face. Life keeps teaching us lessons on daily basis, for instance who to trust, love, cherish and promise to be loyal forever. I must say I did cheat on a couple of those, for instance cherishing , well I did turn my back on some dear friends that have had mine for a long time, but I do put some blame on some bad wordings. But proudly I say we are friends again. So life gives and takes and we don’t really acknowledge that until it takes. Why do we always feel so immortal when it comes to hurting each other, I feel like some people fear not the truth being revealed and they keep pointing fingers at the less caring not knowing that in the end it will haunt them and bite them for karma is a bitch. I cannot stop sneezing at this moment, I heard once that every time a person sneezes the heart stops and the devil enters the body thus the immediate “Bless You”, please research that and let me know. I miss my mother, father, brother and loosa terribly; when you get home tonight kiss your parents and thank them a million times for who you are is what they made you.
                                                   If it were up to me, I'd be a belly dancer  

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