Sunday, January 30, 2011

God Has One Religion

Terrorists, they scream out loud as they know of my background, Stupid I scream, “Irhabi? Kif Irhabi? Irhabi wo ana 3ayesh bi beladi?” A sad scene almost all Arabic people become a character off, while living in the western world.  At first it would bother me, and I would try to explain to some ignorant people, that Lebanese people are not terrorists; it’s simply a propaganda that we got dragged into. Well I turned out to be the ignorant one. I recently came upon some news that a certain religious group, is aiming to destroy some very important Christian religious monuments and land points in Lebanon. And it gets even sadder; they threatened to bomb certain Christian Schools. It got me furious, first Christianity is a very peaceful religion, we don’t live with the notion of “Sin bel Sin, wo 3eyn bel 3eyn”, and we have never taken Christianity as a political weapon to bring people together and destroy others. I think people who act upon violence know no religion. Because religion is beauty, peace, comfort, unity and God’s power and will. So who are you to decide when to destroy and end lives? What are you? Who are you? You are a Terrorist. I defended you, and you want to hurt me. I never looked at you as religion; I looked at you as a human being. Why do people seek power with blood? We are all God’s children and what’s written in books is not stronger than the soul. Live as one and you will become number one.   

Behebak Ya Libnan

Saturday, January 29, 2011

If I was to draw her, it would simply be eyes, a huge smile and the biggest heart in the world. We crossed roads about four years ago; we both shared an intense yet a different type of love for the same person. I won’t let your curiosity overwhelm you, the lady I am writing about, is the one and only Ms. Lara Braish. I was looking at her recent pictures from a trip to Egypt and got inspired to write a blog about her. From what I have seen and experienced with this delicate flower, I could confidently label Lara as a strong, courageous, generous, warm, positive, loving, beautiful and most noticed patient. Now we can all find these traits in people, but patience is definitely a virtue and not many are blessed with this trait. Have you ever had to say goodbye to a loved one not knowing when you will see them and count on Skype to feel them? Have you ever made a desert home? Have you ever sacrificed all for love? Well Lara did. Through all that, her beautiful smile never departed. I will tell you how powerful that smile is. On one of her traveling adventures, which she is well known for, Lara while checking in smiled and then found herself sipping on champagne first class. I tried that once, and it didn’t turn out so pretty. With the belief of ‘Everything Happens for a Reason’, Lara keeps walking and conquering every battle life throws at her. She was, she is, she will always be a dear friend I look up to and inspire to be like. Keep Smiling, You know the Sun is Shining ………………………………………………………………………….

                                                                       The Smile


Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Mother you are my soil

Friendship is like wine; the older it gets the more valuable it becomes. We do not choose who to be friends with, it just happens. Well let me clarify, if there are no intentions. Because some people live on the notion of keep your friends close and your enemies closer. Starting to feel that itch?? Well don’t worry no matter what you do in life I am sure you have one or two sincere friendships. Over the years we find interest in new people, but no matter what the old ones are always in the back of our mind. I love when me and my dear friend more so sister A, get together. It doesn’t matter if it has been years we haven’t spoken, as soon as we see each other it is just like “hey I just saw you yesterday”. That shows how strong friendships are, no years, no people and no nothing will change the basis of it which is love, comfort, trust and encouragement.  I am blessed to have a couple not many friends that I can run to, run with and run for. And God I thank you out loud for the best of the best friend, my mother. Mother you are my soil.
Hare Krishna

Saturday, January 22, 2011

And another one bites the dust

 “I would like to make a toast to lying, stealing, cheating and drinking. If you're going to lie, lie for a friend. If you're going to steal, steal a heart. If you’re going to cheat, cheat death. And if you're going to drink, drink with me.” Let me just say that I am in love with this quote. Now my main focus in this blog is Cheaters. Why do men cheat? According to my statistics, 3 out of 4 men cheat, now we all wish that ours is the forth, but we can never be sure. What drives men to cheat on women they have longed followed and promised to love forever? Is it boredom? Temptations? Sexual needs? Or simply insecurities? In this corrupted society men are praised for tapping it, while women are considered whores and are looked down on. Now don’t get me wrong I despise cheaters and terribly judge them. No one is allowed to cheat, because we all have the choice to be single. It boggles me when men claim they love their wife or girlfriend, and cheating has nothing do it with the feeling. Well let me correct you sir, Love is respect, love is dedication, love is a sanctuary, love is one and love is not a triangle or in some cases a hexagon. To me love is a religion, whenever I feel lost it finds me, whenever I need air it gives me and whenever I need hugs it embraces me. Take a moment and imagine you are in a room embracing tightly the one you love, and then they walk and stand behind you and do the same thing to another person, now you cannot look back but you are aware of what is going on. That feeling of hopelessness, pain and humiliation is what your loved one is feeling. Cheating is selfish and we are stronger.
Defeat Temptation

Laugh at Lust

Keep You Trousers on

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Photo of the month

My 96 year-old Grandfather, Chamoun, the epitomy of Greatness
"What children need most are the essentials that grandparents provide in abundance.  They give unconditional love, kindness, patience, humor, comfort, lessons in life."

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Bless me father for I have sinned

Last year I told myself,  “Micha! This is your year”, little did I know back then. It was indeed a tough year, a year I will forever look back at and wish I had a magic wand to change the sequence of some series of unfortunate events but C’est la vie. So this year I told myself nothing, I hear people telling me you shall prosper and gain especially the first couple of months. I just simply laugh! Last year I decided to learn French well Je ne parle pas le français!!!!! I have to thank my dear friend Mar and Loml for throwing a couple of French words out there, it really does help I know how to say “it is really hot” “it is really cold” and “you are mean” which is really all I need.  As I opened the door for this year, I kept in mind to not forget the closed ones I encountered last year and the ones that got slammed in my face. Life keeps teaching us lessons on daily basis, for instance who to trust, love, cherish and promise to be loyal forever. I must say I did cheat on a couple of those, for instance cherishing , well I did turn my back on some dear friends that have had mine for a long time, but I do put some blame on some bad wordings. But proudly I say we are friends again. So life gives and takes and we don’t really acknowledge that until it takes. Why do we always feel so immortal when it comes to hurting each other, I feel like some people fear not the truth being revealed and they keep pointing fingers at the less caring not knowing that in the end it will haunt them and bite them for karma is a bitch. I cannot stop sneezing at this moment, I heard once that every time a person sneezes the heart stops and the devil enters the body thus the immediate “Bless You”, please research that and let me know. I miss my mother, father, brother and loosa terribly; when you get home tonight kiss your parents and thank them a million times for who you are is what they made you.
                                                   If it were up to me, I'd be a belly dancer  