Thursday, August 1, 2013

Life: passion fruit

Every night before I mute out, I think of the best introductions to start my blogs. By the time I hit the snooze button 5 times at least, the thoughts are merely dreams that I can’t remember. I met a guy about a month ago, not just a guy, “THE guy”. I never witnessed such kindness in strangers, I do believe in it, but to encounter it, added a different flavor. I daily digest vitamins believing they would pump that energy that has been diluted into pictures and restricted by frames that limit and loose me. To be frank, the only energy booster that works is humanity. Let me tell you why: as we strolled down, my enemy thoughts strolled away, I was in a war defeated at the beginning, murdered at the end. He looked at me, features concerned, “why are you sad michy?”, at the moment the war scene turned to ash and trash and who fights trash? Kindness, his kindness, reminded me that my reality had an undecided grand finale and I was delighted to play along. You can never deny feelings, but you listen to them, analyze them, understand them and channel them. I still return to the battle zone from minute to minute, but I know I am a whatsapp away to come back. Quite a simple procedure!!!! You can’t dig for humanity, but you appreciate it, adore it and always lean on it when it knocks on your door. To my dearest OAK, “Give me all, give me all, give me all your attention baby ,I got to tell you a little something about yourself You're wonderful, flawless, ooh you're Treasure..” and ladies he is SINGLE.

Couldn't a face of a buried innocent soul do it?
lost but never defeated


  1. Like a gorgeous boss! @jpnoblejr

  2. We were so worried when you left Twitter. Glad to see you are ok. I was in Beidut for the weekend about a month ago but I didn't know how to reach you.

    John Noble
    whatsapp +13144884030
