Sunday, March 31, 2013

a broken heart was once a blinded one

In the pyramid of my likings, having a long deep conversation with someone I love falls on the top. After so called hours that seemed like added up spilt seconds I took a deep breath and realized how strictly bordered I have become. As I scroll through the days of my life, I notice the same subjects coming up daily. It is like I pause at night rewind in the morning and play all day over and over again. While I sit thinking of certain people, my future, my friends my family, I feel an added stress taking over. Even at this very moment as I am typing I can feel it elevating reaching my drained brain. At moments I pressure it down with the positive thinking weapon, it works sometimes but that stress still surfaces. I have been seeing this scenario in many stories. Are we the era of stress? When is drowning strictly related to water? When is enough is enough? Is the internal power bolder than the external? So back to the conversation, as we sat in bed discussing and plotting, we realized the reasons we keep using to keep the daily subjects alive are nothing but excuses. There is one question that has bombarded my soul and took over many conversations and still I rotate and come back to that dam question mark. All the answers and reasonings are muted by the silence of the source and I am eager to hear. Will I ever hear? No one knows!! If you are relating to what I just attempted to make sense of you would know how annoyingly unfair it is to be blindfolded when your feelings and all are seeing clearly. So the conclusion, there isn’t a conclusion there is an end. When you turn the wheels to the right and the path leads you to the left, let go.
It's My Turn


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