Thursday, December 1, 2011

Love is not a Tramp

I can recall many incidents in life where I witnessed love being treated badly. Love is a friend to all of us, sometimes it makes our world go round and round.But, sometimes it stabs you in the heart and leads to pain that destroys the membrane. My admiration to men throughout the years has made me wonder what moments was I really in love? Being emotional and extreme I tend to fall in love with different actions and thoughts a man reveals at first sight (I have always been fascinated with men who have seen and experienced more than I have). Some took that feeling for granted and like always I dramatically suffer, then at a random day I brush it of and keep walking. I see women begging for their love to be shard, I see men counting on that desperate love to full fill desired needs. I don't blame women for wanting love( I live of being in love), but I feel disappointed when that love is treated like a tramp. Who can we blame here? Women? Men? The society? What ever happened to Mr. Right seeking to find your phone number and nervously make that call to ask you out. MEN!!!! I say out loud, we are liberated woman, we don't mind kissing on the first date, we work for our money etc. But,we want the gentle back in men.

I wonder if he will call?


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