Wednesday, July 9, 2014

Everyday I am in my way

I have this habit that has lately been getting on my nerves and when it does I tend to cuss in Arabic but not out loud. So when something isn’t working out or not stimulating me anymore or whatever the case is I right away write “The End” not really taking into consideration that maybe I am the boring one or I am the cause for not allowing it to work. I do know what I want, but sometimes it takes a couple of chapters to realize what’s being offered. I am not the type that regrets my actions but I do question them a lot. I recently tried to change a scenario, I myself drew but I failed. I am hurt and disappointed, but what’s weird is that deep down I know that it wasn’t my scene. When you grow feelings, hopes and a look into the future, you tend to become blinded. My situation was brief, but I am talking in general. It took two strangers I met and a spontaneous night out to allow me to realize what was really going on. When I was asked about my last relationship, I questioned myself was it a relationship? My last one was a bunch of messages, videos, images and calls. But I did have feelings and cared tremendously, I still do. But is that really a relationship? I mean you can have that with several people no? One in a different country and who would know? Btw word of mouth is a beast #justsaying. In this modern world people communicate more but the communication is less. Now it’s about how many exclamation points or hearts you invest in a message. I love you or I love YOU!!!!! Do the math, I am sure to most the second one appeals more. Ok let’s do another one, Hey, How are you? Or hey you!!!! How are you?:)  anyways I miss laure’s cooking and I will leave you with this : remember memories but know that what’s important is what went in and what came out. 

Some make Bad Habits look pretty

Take me to Lebanon

Saturday, July 5, 2014

Be gentile with your Genitals

Lately I have been just observing, it's a type of silence that requires internal sound. Anyways I am finally in New York it feels like home except the weird incidents at the metro #nocomment I'll leave it to your imagination just think dirty. I have been meeting the warmest people that allow that tear that I am trying to hold back, to dry up. I do pass through emotional moments where I just want to hug Laure but being emotional is me so wherever whenever I will salut moments like thee and keep walking . I have noticed a neurotic calmness  in New Yorkers btw I am listening to a song and rapper keeps insisting on the question 'you don't love me no moe?!' So I am not the only one :) lol ok so back to the New Yorkers that are sweet and beautiful they have one thing and one thing only to tell me 'Michelle you will hate life at times but you will not want to be anywhere else' and I get it. Ps the neighbor on the 4th is sooooo cute looking forward to elevator rides #feeling13 and Lahza to all in Lebanon this summer be safe and you are on my mind deyman .
