Wednesday, November 18, 2015

Number 100

Option: something that may be or is chosen; choice.
To you, to me! Your best friend and worst enemy!  I am going to take this convo to the dating aspect or even friendship zone. This world is all about options, we are all scouting the best of the best. Along this idiotic process we are dismissing feelings, time and most importantly humanity. The freedom of being an asshole has been extended to the point where namoss or akhle2 or “moral” lal amerkan doesn’t exist. We all do it. Can we please stop!
Let’s learn to give time to those who give us there.
Let’s learn to answer or return a call.
Let’s learn to man up to commitments and promises.  
Let’s cut the bullshit and be on the same page.
Let’s speak one language.

3eshtom wa 3ashat 2al Ensaniye somewhere.

Love you


Friday, November 6, 2015

Always is not always

You can’t really lose it, unless you lost it! We always underestimate the power of control especially the mental, leading to a failure status quo. I am listening to Jay Z right now, and now I have the urge to intrude my thoughts with some rapping. But I am not a rapper so I will stop. I am turning 28 on Sunday, 28 years on earth and what have I learned?! I learned that life is all about angles and you choose where to stand. I am still learning don’t get me wrong. Some days I am an A+ student the next I walk around with an F stamped on my face. It’s ok, it happens, SH#$ happens baby. New York will soon turn into a Popsicle, you will hear a lot about it don’t worry. But I am beyond worried I hate the cold! It’s tough but it shall pass and spring will blossom and summer will make you wish it was winter. If you do the math here, you will notice that you are always standing on the opposite side of the green, unless you grow some grass.  

My grass is mine, and your grass is yours ...