Sunday, September 13, 2015

Dearest you

If you count your blessings, you are blessed! And if you dismiss them, you are the unluckiest person aka ma fi gheyr tannous bel jeich. I tend to go back and forth, seconds I am blessed, minutes I am not, hours who knows. I think it’s normal to have mixed feelings regarding the fortunate self, but at one point external factors become so deeply embedded and turn to internal tortures. The best balance is surrounding oneself with blessings. I still find myself shocked, like deeply shocked by some external factors, but at a point I am thankful for I do control how it phases me. Of course I spare some sad thoughts, but at the same time I can easily turn people, thoughts, questions, answers etc. into memories now. When things get out of control, you lose control, and man that feeling is awful but really what can you do? Today a beautiful soul so young so fresh departed and it really forced me to count my blessings. When I feed into bullshit, I become bullshit and that is f@#$ bullshit. As you might know, I am a person who acknowledges memories to the max, I might be standing in the present moment, but if you dig inside of me, you would see me floating in memories. I try to find answers of the past in the present and more so hope for answers in the future, but really if you don’t have an answer now, what good is it?

 Be inspired rather distracted 

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