Thursday, June 23, 2011

Hello Stranger!

Has your soul ever been whipped? Do you ever feel as if the whole world is suddenly standing against you and not around you?  To all man, life is a cycle one day for you and the other not. But, what makes today my day? We are taught in life to always be positive. As my mother would say, “Micha always be positive”, I would simply stare at her and say, “YA! OK!”. What is being positive? Smiling for life to smile back or looking brightly at dark things? I have learned that being positive comes as a verb. By what we do daily, we built the next day. We are positive when we love the most at their lowest points. We are positive when we try to make one smile in a sour moment. We are positive when we lend a hand to one that was once selfish to us. We are positive when we fight the negative with love. Life has built a cruel character within that appears from time to time, but my parents have built morals that stand positively against my cruel intentions. It’s an internal war, for being evil is far more easier than being good.  It’s the face that turns away that make men, not the tongue that talks back.  I am who I am and you who you are and you and I are we and forever we will be free, so live for thee and always share your cup of tea.

 They are the wise, drink from their cups


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